Information from the World Health Congress 2021 Prague
which was held online on 10 – 12 September 2021
Tomáš Pfeiffer, Institute for TCIM/CAM
Ing. Miloš Růžička, Prague City Assembly
Dr. Geetha Gopalakrishna, BAMS, MD, TCIM Unit, WHO
Assoc Prof Nandu Goswami, Medical University of Graz
Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH, WHO
Dr. Peter Kath, European Ayurveda Association
Jesper Odde Mandsen, Science Journalist
Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, Ph.D., Cornell University
Prof. Valdis Pirags, MD, University of Latvia
Prof. Dr. Madan Thangavelu, Cambridge University
Amarjeet S Bharma, British Ayurvedic Medical Council
Dr. rer. nat. Katharina C. Wirnitzer, University Innsbruck
Nora Laubstein, Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.
Tomáš Pfeiffer, Professional chamber Sanator - Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka
Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc., Educationalist, Researcher, Publicist, and Author
Mgr. Miloslava Rutová, One Brain Kinesiology Method, Czech Parliament
Carol Ann (McCracken) Hontz, Author, teacher, and public speaker on Specialized Kinesiology
Mgr. Jiří Čehovský, Homeopath, founder of Autopathy, Homeopathic society

Tomáš Pfeiffer - Czech Republic
Philosopher, biotronicist, director of the professional chamber Sanator - Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka, founder and director of the Institute for TCIM/CAM
The need for TCIM/CAM in health care
We are currently observing a change in policies of world organizations that recommend studying and incorporating TCIM and CAM methods into national health systems. There is an increase in the number of published studies and departments researching TCIM and CAM, in the number of departments actively using these methods and last but not least, in the public interest. In developed countries, between 30 and 70 percent of the population uses one of these methods; in Europe, this means more than 100 million people. Modern medicine is based on procedures that are of great benefit to human health, yet there is a growing number of diseases where medicine does not provide complete answers. Other perspectives on these problems need to be sought. The World Health Congress 2021 Prague aims to improve awareness among the lay and professional public, to help in formulating policies for TCIM and CAM, and to provide access to rational holistic treatment for all citizens.
Platform 2020 Prague
One of the main points of the Congress was the launch of a global information database called Platform 2020 Prague It will enable the mutual communication of all TCIM/CAM disciplines. The created safe space is a place for meeting with EBM (Evidence-Based Medicine), a place for mutual support of the platform members in their joint efforts and public relations, as well as a place of many other activities going far beyond the existing databases.
Global information sharing
The uniqueness of the Congress lies not only in the online 3D graphic format, in the breadth of topics and disciplines represented (some of them are presented in this way for the first time), but also in the representation of almost the entire planet. The Congress website can be accessed until 12th December 2021. at

Ing. Miloš Růžička - Czech Republic
Chairman of Health, Sports and Leisure activities Committee of the Prague City Assembly, Member of the Housing Committee of the Prague City Assembly, Mayor of the Municipal District Praha 8 - Ďáblice, STAN - (Mayors and Independents Movement) founder and vice-chairman of the regional committee (Prague region)
Presentation: Several questions and answers from the Central European perspective
Thanks to Platform 2020, existing and new paradigms in health and healthcare can be better compared. We are gaining new knowledge and skills in prevention, treatment, disease research, as well as in the philosophy of life, ethics, and spiritual development. Only the balance, the mutual synergy of all these areas is a prerequisite for a good, promising, and safe healing and medical practice for the patient. The World Health Congress is an ongoing forum for providers and users of new forms of healthcare.

Dr. Geetha Gopalakrishna, BAMS, MD - Switzerland
Technical Officer, Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) Unit, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation: Evaluation of TCIM in the World
We appeal to governments, to those in charge, to look at all the resources that are in traditional medicine that can be used for the benefit of the world. There is currently a 10-year strategy in traditional medicine at WHO, where there are three main objectives. One of these objectives is to develop national policies and set strategic goals that would use TCIM and CAM and also to develop administrative measures for this purpose. We cover several things also included in the Platform 2020 Prague, and that is why this meeting is so important.
WHO strategic objectives, regulatory instruments, and Platform 2020
A virtual library exists, which includes different verticals, such as education, training, legislation, research, media regarding traditional medicine - and many others. It is quite a well-established "Platform". It is important to create a good basis for traditional medicine so that it is accepted in the same way as some of the pharmaceutical products of herbal medicine, leading to the creation of appropriate legislative instruments. Several research projects have been launched with the support of the World Health Organisation, and the WHO is also encouraging governments to participate in regulatory activities that will set some guidelines for the application of traditional medicine. It is important to be able to compare different research projects and to promote formal criteria for the application of traditional medicine.
Communication, need for terminology, knowledge repositories for different TCIM/CAM sectors
Another important issue that also applies within the current Platform, is the area of communication. The modern medical community does not share the issue, so there is a need for terminology to be published and there should be a literature index and a repository of all knowledge for traditional medicine. It should contain the characteristics of the different branches of medicine and, of course, the terminology. If you want to know how traditional medicine is used in society, we need to be able to quantify its results, but also to be informed about what is happening, what is useful, what is not useful, how many people are using traditional medicine, how many are being treated - and all this will also contribute to understanding how traditional medicine, for example, diagnoses different diseases.

Assoc Prof Nandu Goswami, MD, PhD, MME - Austria
Acting Head, Division of Physiology, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Presentation: Challenges, Perceptions and the way forward in Integrative Medical Research and Education
Evidence-based medicine is required in Western medicine, where we know the dynamics of certain products developed and used. However, a great bias exists against TCIM, some people have never even heard of TCIM, nor have medical practitioners, therefore when you talk about regenerative medicine and a whole range of other aspects, they don't accept it. But many people don't care how you treat them - whether it is Ayurveda, yoga, or any other branch of medicine - as long as it helps them.
Two important elements - preventive medicine and research
One aspect of medicine that is not emphasized at all in Western clinical medical practice or education is prevention. The second important element is research. There are many Western practitioners who use integrative approaches, and it is important to move forward. it is not about selling some magic pill, but about using evidence-based medicine, and at the same time subjecting ourselves to peer review-that is, international comparisons, among scientists. It is about ensuring that the basic practices in traditional medicine are also used in the Western world. Medicine must be used as a whole, to sound like an orchestra.
The use of traditional practices in modern medicine
Why can't we accept that TCIM, Ayurveda, and many other healing practices can be subjected to essentially the same testing procedures that are done for conventional medicines? It is possible to establish western criteria for testing. We need to think about how traditional practices can be used in modern medicine to help people. All students who aspire to become doctors should learn about this. There is a need to change the educational paradigm of medical education so that aspects related to disease prevention and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle are included in the curriculum.

Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH - Switzerland
Project Manager, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation: Art impact for health and SDGs
There is a need to build a strong bridge between creatives - i.e. art and culture on the one hand - and science on the other. WHO has published a very systematic review appealing three thousand studies that demonstrate the role of the arts. This is an important document published by the WHO Regional Office in Europe.
The arts as effective prevention and therapy
Promoting prevention is very important and here art can be used as a wonderful engine, a way of communication. Art can also be used as therapy. The basic elements of society are the good health and well-being of the individual because these are also beneficial for his family, community, and country.
The Incubator Project
The Incubator Project is a way to keep the principle of humanity in the focus of the health services, to strengthen partnerships with a particular social and humanistic vision that has the human being at its center. The result of all this is the concept of a bridge between art and science. All ages should be included, from children to the elderly. For this reason, we aim to globally map and monitor the most important artistic initiatives and programs through long-term partnerships.
Benefits of arts programs
One-third to one-half of visits to the doctor are related to non-medical reasons. In terms of evidence, I will cite the example of the US, where half of the medical institutes use art programs, both in public spaces and virtually at the patient's bedside. Arts programs reduce healthcare costs. 73% of Americans are interested in having the government fund the inclusion of the arts in healthcare programs.
Maintaining physical and mental well-being
The arts are a universal language, have no boundaries, and promote diversity in unity, responding to our need to share, inspire and transform, elevating our perceptions and senses to reveal our infinite potential.

Dr. Peter Kath - Germany
President of the European Ayurveda Association, Germany
Presentation: Music as a part of an evidence-based health system
Can music have a positive effect on health in a holistic sense? Is there empirical data or scientific evidence on the effectiveness of music as part of a health system? What is the philosophy behind a holistic understanding of health and what conclusions can we draw from it?
Music as a way into our innermost being
Scientific research has been done and it has been proven that the use of special music can have an effect on blood pressure and can also be used to rehabilitate people who have been injured. However, music can go much further - it is about communicating with ourselves, communicating with each of us, and being able to stir up the energy that we have within us. What is the conclusion from this? Of course, there are several questions, but we can say that music can be used in general. It can serve the complete physical, mental, and social health - which truly meets the World Health Organization's definition of health.

Jesper Odde Madsen - Denmark
Science journalist and communication consultant, Denmark
Presentation: The path to the future - with the past in mind
The increasing use of complementary and alternative medicine points to the crucial need to combine Western science with the CAM/TCIM approach to health. Millions of people around the world are using the services of alternative medicine doctors. In many cases, they are seeing Western medicine doctors at the same time. However, people around the world are missing out on the true potential.
We face many challenges. International cooperation in research and development is limited, funding is inadequate, lack of government recognition is a major obstacle in many countries, and we face strong opposition from conventional science. And then there is communication.
The CAMbrella project
As a positive concrete example, the CAMbrella project, which ran from 2010 to 2012, involved fifteen universities from twelve countries and was successfully completed.
This project aimed to create a roadmap for future research on CAM, what is the current CAM in Europe, what data is available, and what should be done in the future. The CAMbrella plan calls for the creation of a European center to implement and carry out the proposed research strategy. Research methods must reflect the realities of healthcare in Europe - the EU CAM research strategy should favor a global approach that reflects the needs of citizens and CAM providers.

Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, Ph.D. - USA
Clinical Assistant Professor at Cornell University, Fulbright Specialist in Global Public Health specializing in Integrative Medicine, USA
Presentation: Public Servants, Mental Gaps, and Pink Elephants: Helping the Patient to See
The gap between patients' perceptions of healthcare and the reality of what care they receive has widened.
The medical texts of Ayurveda provide a comprehensive approach to maintaining health and treating disease in society. In modern times, not only are there huge differences between the care provided to different patients - but it is largely assumed that the only care that should be funded by the state is biomedical and pharmaceutical-based medicine. How to motivate people to demand access to medicines that work - with the removal of products and procedures that provide marginal benefits at a huge cost - or price caps enforced by governments? How to motivate patients to demand government investment in health maintenance - health promotion - and wellness - as part of their mandatory 'Health and Care from Our Taxes' column? How to redress the balance regarding the human right to access healthcare that heals at all levels?
Today in the United States, in modern medicine, mainstream EBM is the third leading cause of death. So that means that we need to come up with some other system of treatment that is also evidence-based. Many studies have been done which show that what is used in mainstream medicine is only 15% evidence-based.

Prof. Valdis Pirags, MD - Latvia
Director of the International Institute for Indic Studies and Professor of Medicine at the University of Latvia
Presentation: Current status and future vision on Integrative Medicine in Latvia
There is a growing interest in the holistic and integrative treatment of chronic diseases in Europe and worldwide. To bridge the gap between this situation and the increasing demands of classical medical education in Europe and the requirements for valid clinical trial results, we have established a collaboration with AVCRI, a leading Ayurvedic institution in Coimbatore, India. The classical Ayurvedic book Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthan has been translated into Latvian and published with the original Sanskrit text and contemporary scientific commentaries and appendices. In 2019, an explanatory dictionary was completed, containing 1000 basic Sanskrit terms from Ayurveda, yoga, and classical music.
Future plans include several concurrent activities at these three levels:
1. Education: a degree program in Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Integrative Medicine at the University of Latvia.
2. Research: pre-clinical studies in diabetes treatment, clinical studies investigating the effectiveness of Ayurvedic and yoga treatment in diabetes.
3. Organization: opening of a faculty clinic of Ayurveda, yoga therapy, and integrative medicine in Riga. Change of legal standards for professionals working in integrative medicine in Latvia and the whole European Union.

Prof. Dr. Madan Thangavelu - United Kingdom, Cambridge
Genome Biologist at Cambridge University, General Secretary and Research Director of the EUAA - European Ayurveda Association
Presentation: One Earth, One Health: Increasing Climate Change Awareness & Resilience through engagement with nature and localized, traditional knowledge
Platform 2020 Prague - a significant step forward
The establishment of Platform 2020 Prague is extremely important. We can take from it some direction on where to go in health and how to strive for good health, not just in Europe but everywhere in the world. The second thing hanging over us is climate change. Everything is linked. What we are doing in Prague will be very significant for the whole world. It is our job to try to disseminate this information and to draw the appropriate consequences. It is high time we joined forces and explained to all the people of the world that the price of health is great. The 2020 Prague Platform is a necessary step forward. Without it, we would not have achieved much.
The Congress theme "Health knows no boundaries — Let's seek what unites us" corresponds to the trend: "Health and care for the 21st century and beyond - one country, one health." Healthcare should be about serving people, not about profit. Someone will take a lesson from what has been proven over the centuries, and when precision in healthcare is added, we may find the future systems of healthcare, research, and education.
Everything must be directed towards dialogue, towards interconnection. We need to formulate and maintain a mandate for the future, for healthy lifestyles for the next generation. We need to build everything on scientific foundations, to define scientific disciplines that are not only about treatment but also about prevention.
There are two things - health promotion and health maintenance. We need to help people understand these terms, which is why meetings such as the congress in Prague are important. There is a need to respond in a new way to the health situation of the world's population as a whole. A transdisciplinary approach is needed.
Medicine of the future - the contribution of the Czech Republic
Modern medicine understands man a little differently than traditional medicine. Now is the time to link the two. We are building on the knowledge that is millennia old. There are certain truths that we have forgotten. Truths, even if they are old, remain truths. We are focusing on the more subtle aspects of the human body, linked to the scientific aspects. Reality is too complex to be easily formulated.
There are three things about the SDGs that go beyond the level of governments:
1. Healthcare must move closer to health - health and healthcare are not the same things.
2. Another boundary that needs to be crossed - from the hospital to the community to make the overall system healthier.
3. From quality to value.
Healthcare is not health - this fundamental philosophy would be good to communicate to WHO member states as well. A multitude of failures has been shown in the health system. There should now be a shift that we should start to see in society. This shift should take place from material value to intangible value. We have not yet learned to measure such a shift. Economists who drive national policy need to learn to understand this. It will be necessary for us to try again to formulate a philosophy of life, and many lessons will emerge from this. Where, how, and why are we constrained? The inspiration from the Czech Republic can help. The book Being by an important man, Mr. Josef Zezulka, says: "The basic meaning of our life is to be a positive component of the Creative Work. If we improve anything for others, we improve ourselves."
The perfect health that we all strive for will be seen as transboundary. If we look at current world views, they are limited by the horizon of knowledge. The future holds for all - in the 21st century, it is incumbent upon us all to learn to understand ourselves and to have the power to heal. The 2020 Prague platform should be used to spread the ideas of TCIM/CAM. Let's try to remove what hinders the spread of knowledge about TCIM/CAM, let's help people to understand it better. The knowledge will allow us to have a deep analysis that could help us draw lessons for the future. There are many areas where we should understand that we have gaps and that there is an opportunity for collaboration and I hope that the Platform will be one of the important resources to connect people in the world. We are ready to help to sustain and expand the Platform so that as many countries around the world as possible get involved, as something very important for all of us.

Amarjeet S Bharma
Representing British Ayurvedic Medical Council, London, United Kingdom
Presentation: India-United Kingdom Tie-Up to explore Indian Medicine for long Covid relief
In November 2009, in response to the activities of the European Union, a meeting was held in the British Parliament to examine the European Union's relationship with traditional medicine. At the very first meeting, a campaign was launched to redress herbal medicine. Within 2 years over a million signatures were collected and submitted to the government. The aim was, among other things, to show how important freedom of choice is. The campaign was very successful, with 30 organizations from all over the world joining the call. In the UK, a cross-party parliamentary group has been set up to look at traditional medicine and traditional sciences - organizing Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotish, Yunani medicine, and other programs within the British Parliament. This group includes people representing the entire political spectrum of both Houses, intending to bring traditional medicine information to politicians and give them a global perspective. The parliamentary community has had the opportunity to educate the public about traditional sciences that could become part of the healthcare system in Britain, which would also be beneficial in terms of government savings, and especially in terms of prevention because prevention is better than cure.
In the current world of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been possible to contact the ministry in India that deals with traditional medicines, and other Indian government and British officials, to get an agreement signed on a joint approach to the use of Ayurveda for the treatment of long Covid-19. This is an initiative outside the UK and India also involving eminent institutions such as universities, research institutes, scientists, etc engaged in this research. It is a long-term study involving a large number of patients. It will mainly focus on the structure of the national health system.
The group is working very hard to reach out to all Members of the British Parliament. Tomáš Pfeiffer is considering a similar concept in the Czech Republic. It is possible to modulate a similar program to the UK for the Czech Republic. The World Health Congress 2021 Prague deserves every success, it will be a further advance in the expansion of traditional medicine in Europe and will be supported in all efforts.

Dr. rer. nat. Katharina C. Wirnitzer
Sports scientist and senior lecturer for sports science and sports didactics, Innsbruck, Austria
Presentation: Vegan Diet in Health and Sports: Benefits and Advantages to Young People and Athletes - Lessons to be learned from a Dual Approach to improve the Health of Nations
Health is the most basic prerequisite to lead a full life, to be a healthy person, and to become a successful athlete. Since food and sport are considered as "medicine", especially in the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, their constant use together is a very effective but simple tool to improve health.
Research on the use of plant-based diets on Facebook
According to a recent 2021 study analyzing nearly two billion Facebook posts, the plant-based diet movement is expected to continue to grow, with younger generations being the main drivers of the global shift towards healthier and more sustainable diets and lifestyles. Vegan diets are experiencing a boom in the mainstream and sports because they are suitable from childhood to old age, even for athletes. Already in ancient times, great philosophers and gladiators knew that a plant-based diet leads to better health and better performance.
Knowledge about vegan diets has the potential to encourage patients of all ages, health, nutrition and sports professionals, and decision-makers in government, community, and educational institutions to be more open-minded when considering a vegan diet; in addition to health benefits, it is also beneficial for the environment, climate and animal welfare. Promoting healthy lifestyles, knowledge about the vegan diet provides a basic but dual approach, a potential 'super recipe' for better individual health as a minimum recommendation from childhood to old age to achieve and maintain sustainable and lifelong health.

Nora Laubstein
President of ANME e.v., Germany
Presentation: Results of the pan-European ANME survey
The questionnaire of the pan-European ANME survey was developed with the idea to find out how active practitioners - producers - entrepreneurs - associations and federations define themselves and where they rank. The evaluation has not yet been finalized. For example, we received 2,620 responses from 489 practitioners to the question - what methods do they use. In doing so, not only methods but also healing systems were named. A comparable differentiation of responses can be found for the question to which terms used in policy (CAM - NCM - T&CM or none of the terms) allocation is possible. There were 363 detailed explanations, which included other highly differentiated information. The high variation in the qualitative statements seems to indicate that the different areas of activity (represented in the questionnaire by persons, entrepreneurs/producers, and also associations/associations) are given a completely individual emphasis through references to their respective peculiarities. Individuality is emphasized by the specification: Solution orientation, origin, practical relevance, process orientation, the particularity of the individual, or their defined areas of activity. The great precision of the expression clearly shows in which diverse and often contradictory areas of tension the participants are currently operating.
Nosodes - desired by patients, needed by practitioners
Why has the number of therapeutic nosodes decreased so drastically? While the use of nosodes has not been officially banned - nevertheless, production and marketing authorizations that meet all regulations are becoming increasingly unaffordable for manufacturers. It can be assumed that, in addition to safety concerns, there is not enough will to make these products readily available as homeopathic remedies. For financial reasons, manufacturers can no longer meet the increasing demands of the authorities, and companies have to reduce or discontinue the range and distribution of nosodes.
The use of nosodes is invaluable in treatment worldwide and should continue to be available and used in the future. They are an essential part of single-species homeopathic treatment of chronic diseases, and when included as a treatment, the course of treatment of non-communicable diseases is also improved.
In addition, increasing antibiotic resistance/antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the presence of new microbes and diseases means the need to reduce and combat their multiplication and impact. Nosodes are an important tool in promoting patient health and treatment. There is therefore an urgent need to revise and reformulate official requirements to positively support the spread rather than suppress the ability to offer and use nosodes.

Tomáš Pfeiffer - Czech Republic
Philosopher, biotronicist, director of the professional chamber Sanator - Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka, founder and director of the Institute for TCIM/CAM
Presentation: Biotronics – Hope in Sickness for the 21st Century
"The only possible medical art is to cure the patient, no matter how it is done." This was said by none less than Hippocrates, whose oath is honoured by every doctor nowadays.
Oncological diseases from the perspective of Biotronics
Currently, there is a sharp increase in cancer cases across the world. This proves that the cause of this disease has not been found yet, therefore we are unable to significantly influence this cause, despite undeniable successes in trying to prolong the life of a patient. Biotronics originated in Prague after year 1945, its principles were formulated by Mr. Josef Zezulka. Biotronics belongs to the field of energy or spiritual healing. It is based on the existence of biological forces that accompany every living matter, and by the appropriate application of these forces, the functions of organs, cells and the body as a whole can be influenced. Mr. Zezulka created the comprehensive system of biological forces description, biotronic pathology and the educational system for future biotronicists. His therapeutic results prove the effectiveness of the field he created – these were tumors, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and many other diagnoses with a predominant cause in vital-force deficiency.
Successful case studies
In the spirit of the congress motto "Health knows no boundaries - let's seek what unites us", these important case studies are presented: Mr. Stanislav, a patient hospitalized in the inpatient ward of the hospital in Vimperk with the diagnosis of carcinoma ventriculi and colostomy, in the terminal stage of the disease, unable to get out of bed, not taking food. He was treated biotronically by Josef Zezulka for fourteen days. Full revitalisation occurred. The patient got out of bed, started to take food and rapid epithelialisation occurred at the colostomy outlet which closed spontaneously without the intervention of a surgeon. The intestine reconnected so that the stool passes through the rectum again – as indicated it the medical report. The year was 1982.
Healing of multiple sclerosis
Biotronics was also very successful in the case of a nineteen-year-old girl who contracted multiple sclerosis. Resigned in the hospital, the patient's health deteriorated so much that she was unable to walk. Thanks to the therapeutic intervention of Josef Zezulka, the healing process took place and the girl also started to walk again without further relapse.
Successful tumour treatment
Another documented story of a woman in a video confirms that without any medical intervention, a brain tumor disappeared after ten biotronic treatments. Her father-in-law also had the same experience with a malignant brain tumor – he was successfully treated biotronically by Mr. Zezulka. Their own experience changed their approach to life and to other people.
Extensive adenocarcinoma of the stomach
Mrs. Marie, inoperable adenocarcinoma of the stomach, operated in April 1991, she was found to have a large adenocarcinoma. A palliative procedure, stoma, was performed during surgery. Any further oncological treatment was abandoned due to the extent of the tumour and poor health with a prognosis of a maximum of two months survival. Biotronic treatment since 6th May 1991. A gradual improvement followed to a completely normal state where she was declared fit for work. She survived the disease by twenty-three years.
Help of the Biotronics after termination of oncological treatment for permanent progression of the lesion
Mr. Josef. In May 2004 radical surgery of melanoblastoma and sentinel nodes, oncological treatment terminated due to permanent progression. Biotronic treatment from 2007 to 2010. Year 2010, PET scan without pathological findings. Patient lives until now, seventeen years after diagnosis.
The last video shows malignant tumor on the lungs that started to manifest itself by blood spurting. After the eighth chemotherapy, the white blood cells were destroyed. After one week of biotronic treatment, the blood cells were fine, then following biotronic treatment was performed until the recovery of the patient.
If we observed even one case of such a successful change in the tumor process, it would be worthy of interest. After all, none of us, especially nowadays, knows if we will not need similar help. Statistics, when evaluating evidence, is the queen of scientific work along with references. A study itself does not create reality; it only describes it. So, reality itself is independent of the study, unlike human knowledge. Scepticism protects us against error but in its unhealthy form it is the greatest obstacle on the path of knowledge. All documented cases show treatment options that are not common.

Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc. - Czech Republic
Educationalist, Researcher, Publicist, and Author, Czech Republic
Presentation: Vitamins and minerals in prevention and intervention of chronic diseases and Covid-19
The deficiencies of vitamin B, D3, magnesium, and zinc are extremely prevalent in the population in most developed countries. An open letter from more than 200 authors to health officials and physicians calls for immediate global action to increase vitamin D3 consumption to combat Covid-19. Vitamin B6, B9, and B12 are important factors, and magnesium and zinc are minerals that can reduce the risk, duration, and severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections, especially in at-risk groups. These vitamins and minerals can be used as a non-pharmacological approach in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mgr. Miloslava Rutová
Facilitator and Therapist in One Brain Kinesiology Method, Member of the Czech Parliament, Czech Republic
Presentation: Kinesiology - the endless possibilities
A common feature of Alternative and Complementary Medicine is that the methods are not tested for activity in the usual way in conventional medicine. The WHO, which is a major authority on public health, has been involved in TCIM/CAM for a long time - for example, it provides information on the status of alternatives in 123 countries. Unfortunately, the Czech Republic is among the countries from which reliable information could not be obtained. The approach of the European Parliament is favorable, and the need for quality research, safety and effectiveness of individual alternative methods, their subsequent recognition and legislative anchoring, and the integration of CAM into the healthcare system has always been emphasized. The European Parliament has a CAM interest group, as do the other EU Member States. It is a mistake and a handicap that the Czech Parliament does not have such a group. However, the interest of citizens in alternative medicine is enormous. A petition with more than 40 000 signatures requesting official recognition of non-traditional medicine has been submitted to Parliament's Petitions Committee. Currently, a group of MPs is trying to obtain information from countries that have such groups, to establish a similar group in this country. The WHO Director-General Margaret Chan says: "The two systems of alternative and Western medicine need not conflict; in the context of primary healthcare they can intermingle in a beneficial harmony, drawing on the best features of both systems and balancing some of the shortcomings of each. However, all this does not happen by itself. Targeted policy decisions have to be made. But it is possible to achieve this decision with success." The World Health Congress, where everyone is welcome, also serves to make the Director General's words come true. The Europe-wide and global database Platform 2020 Prague is launched. It aims to enable all those who practice traditional and alternative medicine to meet, share information, and so on. The platform covers all TCIM/CAM disciplines so that both the professional and the layperson can obtain and use information in the field of non-medical operations and holistic treatments. The idea is to provide everyone with convenient and free collaboration, mutual friendly support without any censorship for the benefit of the needy and sick people.
Kinesiology - endless possibilities
Kinesiology aims to improve the quality of human life. It contributes to inner transformation - it can remove traumas from childhood - adolescence, and adulthood - which manifest themselves as psychological or physical stresses, using various techniques and corrections.

Stephan Hein, United Kingdom
Holistic Health & Well-being Practitioner Teacher, Higher Ground Leadership Coach, Musician
Presentation: Yoga Nidra - The creative Medicine
Yoga Nidra (YN) or "yogic sleep" is an ancient Indian practice of mindfulness. It induces a state of deep rest for the physical body and conscious mind - while connecting to states of heightened perception at deeper layers of consciousness. A study introduced by a London-based charity offers evidence of how YN supports people affected by HIV/AIDS in the long-term management of their illness. It was launched in February 2018 and is continuing.
YN enables high suggestibility - unblocking the creative part of the mind, relieving symptoms, and increasing integrated mental and physical wellbeing. Clients feel empowered to manage life's challenges more effectively. Additionally, in this quality assessment, participants overcame feelings of social isolation - establishing connections and bonds with others. Up to 90% of them expressed themselves positively: 'I don't feel alone' - 'I reconnected with myself' - 'I enjoyed learning about different states of consciousness' - 'More relaxed' - 'Wonderful lesson'.
While pharmaceutical drugs have successfully suppressed the viral load - living with HIV continues to require self-management skills for health problems caused by the influence of the virus and the side effects of the drugs. Further research could benefit conditions such as fatigue - burnout - insomnia - stress - fear and anxiety - depression - post-traumatic stress disorder - trauma - chronic pain and illness and strengthen the innate immune response. Clients are guided to the empowering realization that healing is never more than a mere thought away.
Inspiration as a healing force
The impact of the current pandemic highlights the limits and unsustainability of many of today's structures in mainstream culture. It reveals in greater clarity the crises that threaten the future of humanity - including climate change - environmental destruction - the greed of capitalism. Uncertainty about the future and "living out of balance with nature" has resulted in depression-anxiety and a sharp increase in chronic physical and mental health problems for many people. While mainstream culture tries to "solve" these problems with the very mindset that created them in the past, a more holistic conversation is needed that looks at deeper causes from an expanded perspective; a lens that can be found in the mind-body interactions and spiritual layers of human experience. We are in the midst of a collective cultural change - and every individual is participating in it - with every decision they make. Global institutions including the UN and WHO are increasing efforts to expand this exploration (including social prescribing and patient activation) - but each person is called to step up and be more active in well-being decisions that harness the life-sustaining forces in a truly holistic way. This may involve discovering a deeper life purpose that not only improves the individual's life but also promotes positive social relationships and community cohesion and wards off feelings of social isolation and loneliness.

Carol Ann (McCracken) Hontz
Author, teacher, and public speaker on Specialized Kinesiology, USA
Presentation: Darkness into Light
We are emerging from a very challenging time on our planet into a special time of awakening. An amazing transformation of humanity is unfolding. We have viable solutions to these enormous problems in the world today. These solutions are simple - effective - inexpensive - gentle - non-invasive, and there are plenty of them. We just need to do our deep research into the truth and then apply it. We need to go within to discover our personal truth (who we are - why are we here?) and then explore the global and universal truths about how to thrive as individuals and prosper collectively. Then we can live in peace - love - harmony, and abundance. It is our God-given right and should be available to all humanity. The whole world is creating and waiting for each of us to reap our birthright to good health - happiness and abundance. Each of us must take responsibility to change our lifestyle and contribute to the well-being of humanity in whatever our passion is. The "From Darkness to Light" approach will offer you some ways to eliminate stress and move quickly to reach your fullest potential. "You must be the change you want to see in the world."--Mahatma Gandhi.
Know your Truth
Recent global events have led to a great increase in fear and anxiety for many people. This situation has caused many of us to look deeply into our own lives. Are we looking into the realm of our infinite potential, or are we being blocked by our misconceptions and lies that limit us from getting in touch with our infinite potential? Through specialized kinesiology, we can use muscle testing to explore when in our lives we have chosen to relinquish our power and submit to the authority that wants to control us. As creative, free human beings, we are born with these natural rights: we have inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As creative beings of light, we are here on Earth to assist and support the evolution of humanity in this extraordinary time of opportunity. We must responsibly seek and know the truth and the truth will make us whole... the truth of our being, the truth of being a creative being.

Mgr. Jiří Čehovský
Homeopath, founder of Autopathy, Homeopathic society, Czech Republic
Presentation: Autopathy - a spiritual path to harmony based on the homeopathic principle
Autopathy is a relatively new method of holistic healing, growing out of the principles and practice of classical homeopathy. While homeopathy uses information from nature, autopathy takes healing information from the body or chakra system of the person to be affected. Most often from the breath, saliva, or the 7th chakra, refining it through a specific process so that it can resonate with the intangible vital force (prana) of the person being treated. The method is suitable for both healing counseling and self-help. The basic principles of autopathy include individual approach, holistic concept, highly diluted information, home preparation of autopathic preparation. The published experiences of a considerable number of people show its possibilities, especially in connection with chronic complaints of body and mind.