Ing. Miloš Růžička - Czech Republic
Why Health Congress Prague? Why platform? Several questions and answers from the central european's perspective
Here you can watch all recordings from the World Health Congress 2021 Prague 10th - 12th September 2021.
Ing. Miloš Růžička - Czech Republic
- Public healthcare, prevention, health and social care (esp. humanization and ethics, implementation of new knowledge and methods of prevention, medical and complementary treatment and social help into practice, lifestyle diseases - research and presentation of new knowledge and experience, EACH Charter (European Association for Children in Hospital Charter), Hospice movement, obstetrics - protection of mother and child natural needs and rights, the issue of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD and related mental disorders etc.), health and social care interface
- Environmental and landscape protection, lifestyle, foods and catering quality in public sector, schools and preschool facilities (Healthy School Movement Skutečně zdravá škola)
- Spatial planning and Urbanism, Local communities work and development
- Waste management, Urban infrastructure development
- 2018–2020: Chairman of the Health, Sports and Leisure time activities Committee of the Prague City Assembly, Member of the Housing Committee of Prague City Assembly
- 2014–2018: Chairman of the Health and Housing Committee of Prague City assembly, Member of the Environmental Committee and Committee for Spatial development of the Prague City Assembly
- throughout 2014–2020: Mayors Assembly of the City of Prague, The Association of City Districts of the City of Prague, Association of local and regional authorities - SMSCR, Platform for quality transport infrastructure, advisory, expert and grant commissions in the field of healthcare, social care, sport and leisure time of youths.
- • STAN – hnutí Starostové a nezávislí (Mayors and Independents Movement - political party), founder and vice-chairman of the regional committee (Prague region)
- Creation of program priorities on the national level in the field of public healthcare, health and social care, environment on the entry of the STAN Movement among parliamentary parties in the 2017 elections.
- Program guarantor of the STAN Movement in the field of public healthcare, health and social care for the Prague region 1994-2010 project manager, self-employed
- Insurance company SPORT (creation of health policies in the field of prevention and complementary medicine)
- Insurance company (expert advice – project activities aimed at foundation of a new health insurance company)
- Consumers club and stores BIODOMOV
- Mediadesign s.r.o./ltd, managing director (video, internet, multimedia – production, post-production)
- Futurola s.r.o./ltd, founder, executive director (video, internet, multimedia – TV design, production, post-production, script, direction)
- Literary magazine TVAR
- Other projects: EACH Charter - European Association for Children in
Hospital Charter and rights of parents of hospitalized children,
Hospice movement, STUŽ Art foundation Svoboda/Liberty,
Foundation for Media accessibility, Pro-Bio Association of Organic Farmers
1989-1994 Botanical garden Prague
1987-1989 PZO, Motokov, export-import of agricultural and forestry machinery and technologies.
Contribution to the Videocongress on 20 June 2020:
Transcript of the Contribution:
Ladies and gentlemen, dear platform presidium members, representatives of the congress’ partner organizations, dear guests and internet viewers.
I deeply regret that I can’t be with you personally during this important day. Thanks to modern technology we are able meet in this way at least. However, the technology that enables internet broadcasting is not the core that tears down the walls between all of us.
What that tears down the walls is our common desire to push human knowledge forward and to share the knowledge and experience gained with all of mankind. Not in order to create wars or to do business, but in order to relieve pain and lessen suffering; to reach lasting peace in our countries, and mainly, in our souls. I am firmly convinced that the World Health Congress 2020 Prague will report on this. There is an increasing number of people waiting for such reports. There are so many of them now that the right and logic way forward is the international cooperation that has led to building the professional Platform 2020 Prague.
The World Health Congress 2020 Prague is starting in Prague today. I have the honour as the chairman of the committee of healthcare in the capital city of Prague to personally wish all the best to this welcoming session and to your work.
Warm regards from Prague.