Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH - Switzerland
Art impact for health and SDGs
Here you can watch all recordings from the World Health Congress 2021 Prague 10th - 12th September 2021.
Isabelle Wachsmuth, MSc, MPH
Isabelle WACHSMUTH has 24 years of experience in an international network promoting and implementing knowledge management and collaborative solutions in both high and low-income countries.
Her Professional Experience includes among others
2019-2021 - Project Manager in World Health Organization, World Headquarters, Geneva
• Art Impact For Health and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) incubator
lead supporting by Director General of World Health Organization.
More details https://whis.uk/art-impact-for-health-and-sdgs/
• Establisment of the partnership with Smile Train to sincubate and scale-up
the initiative at coutry level https://www.smiletrain.org/news/smile-train-partners-world-health-organization-art-impact-health-initiative
and https://smiletrain.org.uk/stories/9-reasons-smile-celebration-art-family-and-community
• Support to art programs/initiative at country level with heah of hospital
and national health authorities like in Morocco http://www.mapmarrakech.ma/fr/chu-2/
and https://www.chumarrakech.ma/evenements/infos-evenement/?idE=%20644
• Design and organiszationin in Geneva of the exhibition “Art against violence
to resilience from women perspective” https://genderchampions.com/events/art-against-violence-from-violence-to-resilience-from-womens-perspective
• Design and organization in Geneva of the exhibition “Dare to act for health”
As part of the 72nd World Health Assembly. Through this exhibition, we hope to explore
a range of values currently put into practice by various actors and within international organizations,
like WHO and the United Nations, which calls on all of us to DARE TOGETHER TO ACT FOR THE HEALTH OF ALL AND BY ALL.
• Design and organization in Geneva of the exhibition “Art Impact 4 SGDs and
Leadership” in October 2020 at the Palais des Nations, Exhibitions Gallery with the
support of The United Nations Office at Geneva and the World Health Organization.
• Design and organization in Geneva of the exhibition “VERSUS”.
The following opening ceremony https://youtu.be/h395igZ0NaU
invited panelists to discuss the topic of resilience and art from across the world.
2016-2019 - Project Manager in World Health Organization, World Headquarters, Geneva
Communication and knowledge manager for UHC2030 multi-stakeholders initiative.
Organization of Art Exhibit on Universal Health Coverage
and art expression space during Walk the Talk in New York
2013-2015 – Leonardo Da Vinci project, Lifelong Learning programme (European Union),
Learning project between European PPP-players, supported by the European Commission.
2012-2013 – Special Advisor for UNECE in partnership with WHO
Special Advisor for the Sustainable Energy and Economic Cooperation and Integration
Divisions in UNECE to improve effective policies and programmes to scale up the
use of renewable energy for integrated rural and peri-urban development with intersectoral
approach (economic and social issues including health services, education and gender)
2002-2015 – Project, Communication and Financial Manager – World Health Organization, World Headquarters, Geneva
1997 – Masters “Génie Physiologique Informatique” in Computer Science, Pharmacology and Physiology –
Engineering School, University of Poitiers, France
2010 – 2013 Master in Public Health, University of Geneva – Work on the influence of collective and
collaborative intelligence on global public health and impact on Evidence Informed Policy-Making
2015 - Associate Fellows from World Academy of Art and Science